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DCCOS Patron Donation

Thank you for supporting the DC Concert Orchestra Society.  Your generous contributions help us keep our concerts affordable and accessible to all, and further our efforts to present exciting music by new and underrepresented composer.

All contribution amounts are welcome, but if you donate at the levels suggested (one time, or cumulative in the last 12 months) in our category list at the bottom of the screen, you will receive attribution in our concert program donor tables for the next 12 months.

If you'd like to make a recurring donation, you may click the box next to"I want to contribute this amount every", select how frequently (every n months) and for how long (6 months, 12 months, etc.).  You can choose a specific amount (no less than $5) by selecting "Other Amount"  immediately above and entering a value.  You can canel at any time, a cancellation link if provided in your confirmation receipt. 

You may support any of our program offerings listed below, need only pick one, but if you want to be specific in how your money is used, you can fill in more than one.

You can enter your credit card payment information further below toward the end immediately above the "Review you Contribution" button.  DCCOS does NOT collect credit card information.  Your financial information is confidential between you and our payment processor (Stripe) only.

Thank you for your support!

-- We'll apply your donation where it is needed most.

-- Apply your donation in support of the orchestra.

-- Apply your donation in support of chamber music programs.
Total Amount
You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time.
Donation in honor or memory of?
If you'd like to make your donation in honor or memory of someone, please select the desired option below. We will send a note of acknowledgement of receipt to the honoree or the family or the administrator of the recently departed's estate. Please provide the appropriate e-mail if possible. Thank you.
Select an option to reveal honoree information fields.
Donor Profile

Only name and e-mail are required, all other fields are optional. Thank you.